INTRODUCTION: It is custom to serve Cigars at the end of meal while the guest is having coffee, liqueurs or spirit. Finest Cigars are handmade in Cuba and are called Havanas Nowadays the best cigars are made in Dominican Republic. Jamaica, Phillipines , Sumatra, USA and Netherlands are some countries making distinguish Cigars. The finest of all cigars is HOY DE MONTERREY EXCALIBUR from HONDURUS . Cigars from Honduras are called ZIRNO. some cigars like cheroots are cut straight at both end but good qualit y cigars will always be rounded at both ends. Longer cigars give cooler smoke than a short one. HISTORY: The native people of the American continent were undoubtedly the first not only to grow, but to smoke the plant, which probably came from the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico. Used by the Maya of Central America and when the Maya civilization was broken up, the scattered tribes carried tobacco both south...
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