….Your Destiny hangs on the impression you made……. . Groo ming is the combination of Style and discipline,to project an image of organization’s culture and ethics to our esteemed customer-our gu est. It also enhance the personality of employee, character of an organisation and value. To achieve the best groomed look throughout HOTEL/RESTAURANT, group of Hotels, we have enlisted a list of standards, which need to be followed by all Gentlemen, working at any level, and working at hotel/restaurant.. Hair and Mustaches • Hair must be cut every twenty days. The hair must be cut and tapered, so that it does not touch beyond, or cover any parts of the ears. The hair should not touch the collar line of your shirt. • The hair must be cut in a neat, natural style. Unruly Hair should be kept in place and off the forehead. • The hair must be neatlytapered at the b...
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